Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization

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SEO is a great way to improve your business’ visibility in the SERPs, but the process can be overwhelming for beginners. In this guide, we’ll cover all of the basic principles of SEO and provide you with actionable tips and strategies so that you can start seeing results today!

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving a website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). It requires both on-page and off-page optimization, which we’ll elaborate on later.

It’s a long-term strategy that requires ongoing maintenance. In order to be successful and rank well in the SERPs, you need to do two things: create quality content and optimize it for search engines. This means using keywords strategically throughout your copy so that it appears relevant when people search for those terms online.

The best way to understand SEO is through an example: if you want more visitors from Google, then you need to make sure your website ranks high in Google’s index — meaning that users who are looking for information about your topic can find it easily when they use their favorite search engine because they will see this informative article first!

How Search Engines Work

Search engines are a way for people to find information online. They use algorithms and links to rank results for each query, which means that you can rank higher by optimizing your website for the keywords that people search for related to your business or products.

Keywords are one of the main factors in how search engines rank websites. Many people think that using long-tail keywords is an effective way of getting more traffic, but this isn’t necessarily true; while they may be easier to optimize into content, they won’t necessarily get you more visibility on Google (or other search engines). Instead, focus on keywords with high volume and low competition so that there’s room for improvement in their SERPs!

Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking

Crawling, indexing, and ranking are three key processes that make up Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Crawling is the process of a search engine finding and indexing all the pages on a website. Indexing is the process of adding the content of a page to the search engine’s database. Ranking is the process of determining which results appear first in the search engine based on their relevancy to specific searches.

To understand how crawlers work, let’s consider how you might use Google:

  • You type something into Google’s search box, such as “how many calories in an apple?”
  • Google finds this keyword phrase as well as other similar phrases that include words like “apples” or “calories.” It then sends them out to its servers (where they are stored) so that it can find pages with information about apples that contain information about calories too!
  • If those terms aren’t present on your site yet (and if no other sites have ranked for them), then there will be nothing found until one day soon when someone comes along searching for those terms specifically!

Example of Crawlers

When it comes to SEO, there are three main types of crawlers that check your website:

  • Web crawl: This is the first type of crawler. It’s a program that detects URLs and sends requests to the server in order to gather content. It collects all the information about the site.
  • Spider: A spider is a type of web crawler that goes through every page on your site and indexes them as they go along. They collect data on each page in order to build up an index which can be searched by bots or users later on.
  • Bot: Bots are automated programs designed to perform specific functions on websites like downloading images or videos from pages, indexing them for search engines (like Google), etc..

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the first step to SEO. It’s what you need to do before you start optimizing your website, because without keywords, you don’t have a clue where to begin.

Keywords are words people search for in search engines like Google and Bing. They’re the words that will help you get traffic and attract customers to your site—so it’s important that you know how to find them!

How to Perform Keyword Research

Keyword research is an important part of any SEO strategy. It allows you to uncover which keywords are relevant to your business and how valuable they are to your website. To begin, identify a few target keywords that represent what people might search for on Google when looking for your company or service.

Once you’ve chosen a few key phrases, plug them into Google’s Keyword Planner tool to get an idea of how many people are searching for them on a monthly basis, as well as their cost-per-click (CPC) bids in AdWords. You can also use tools like SEMRush or RiteTag to find related terms that might help expand your keyword list even further.

On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization can be broken up into two categories: content and structure. Content refers to the words, phrases and images that are on your website. Structure refers to how those words, phrases and images are arranged on your page.

  • Content: Optimizing your website’s content will help search engines determine what your site is about, so they can rank it higher in their results pages. Search engines use different algorithms for analyzing web pages (a process called “crawling”), which means each algorithm has its own criteria for evaluating a page’s quality. For example, Google uses an algorithm called PageRank (PR) to rank pages by measuring their authority; this means that PR helps determine how valuable or important you think your page is compared with other pages on the internet — if many other people link back to yours then it becomes more authoritative than other sites without much incoming traffic at all!

Technical SEO Best Practices

The technical SEO best practices you employ should be based on your site’s needs. There are many technical elements in a website, but here are some of the most important:

  • Use a sitemap to make it easier for search engines to index every page on your site.
  • Include a robots.txt file that tells search engines which parts of your site should not be indexed (the images folder is a common example). This can also be used to disallow crawling from specific bots, such as Googlebot-Mobile or BingBot-News, if those bots aren’t able to crawl other portions of the site without errors.
  • Use 301 redirects when moving URLs around so search engines don’t lose valuable link equity from internal links pointing at old pages that no longer exist on your website.
  • Make sure all canonical URLs point back at one version of each page—don’t have multiple versions with different canonical URLs pointing out into different places online (e.g., and By doing this, you ensure that both versions will continue receiving traffic from external websites linking back through any one URL instead of having it split between two separate pages with different addresses (which could result in lowered rankings).

Off-Page SEO Best Practices

The following are the most important off-page SEO best practices you need to keep in mind:

  • Link building. This is one of the most critical parts of your SEO strategy, as it helps with both on-page and off-page optimization. It’s time consuming and involves a lot of work, but it’s absolutely necessary if you want to rank well in Google. Link building should be done both manually (i.e., by writing content that earns high authority links) and automatically (i.e., using tools like Ahrefs or [SEMrush]
  • Social media marketing (SMM). Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can help your overall reach significantly since they have billions of users worldwide; however, these channels also require considerable maintenance and effort if you want them to be effective for boosting traffic to your website or blog posts.

SEO is a great way to improve your business’ visibility in the SERPs.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a great way to improve your business’ visibility in the SERPs. It’s also a long-term strategy that requires patience and commitment.

The first step to optimizing your website for search engines is understanding what they are looking for. The most important thing to keep in mind is that Google wants you to be found as easily as possible by your target audience when they type something into its search bar. That means using keywords that are relevant to your business or industry, but don’t overdo it: use keywords three times max per page (if needed). If you go overboard with keyword stuffing, Google will penalize your site and rank it lower than sites with less obtrusive SEO practices.


SEO is a powerful tool that can help you get more traffic and rank higher in the SERPs. It’s a great way to improve your business’ visibility and attract new customers. The key is to understand how search engines work and what they’re looking for when they crawl through your site. Once you know this information, it will be easier for you to implement effective SEO techniques like keyword research, on-page optimization techniques (such as headings), off-page optimization techniques (like link building) or even creating an XML sitemap.

"The future of SEO is here – understanding and marketing to specific and defined audiences through search engines."

-Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG-

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