Why Link Building Is Good For Your Website

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Link building plays an important role in search engine optimization, but it can also help you improve your overall online presence and drive more traffic to your website or blog. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at why link building is good for your business and show you how to get started.

What are links?

Links are the glue that holds the web together. They’re a way for one page to connect with another and give you access to additional content and information. They’re also essential to search engine optimization (SEO), which means they play a huge part in how people find your website online.

Links can be broken down into four main categories:

  • Internal links, which connect different pages on your own site
  • External links, which connect your site with other sites on the web
  • Paid links or “sponsored results”, where third-parties pay you to list their sites near yours in search results
  • Social media shares/mentions by others

Why are inbound links important to SEO?

Inbound links are important because they help search engines understand the context of a piece of content.

For example, if you’re linking to your site from another page on your own site, that’s called internal linking. As an example: If I’m writing a blog post about why link building is good for SEO and I want to provide examples of people who have done it well in the past (including myself), then I might link back to those pages by creating HTML anchor tags (or tags) with their names as the value for the href attribute. This tells Google that these pages contain valuable information about what we’re talking about here and should be considered relevant when determining how prominently our content should rank in search results.

The same thing happens when someone else links back to us – they’re saying “Hey! Here’s some content that we think will be helpful for people looking at this topic.” The more times they do this, the higher Google ranks us in its rankings because it knows how important our content is (and therefore how relevant it is).

Where do I find links?

There are three main ways to find links:

  • Research your competitors’ sites and see where they are getting their backlinks from, then reach out to those websites asking them if they would like to link back to your site. Most people will say yes, especially if the content is relevant or useful for their readers.
  • You can search Google for “backlink opportunities” and get a list of websites that accept guest posts (guest post = when you publish a new article on someone else’s website). This requires more work than finding existing links, but it’s worth doing because these types of sites usually have higher authority in Google’s eyes than other types of sites (e.g., blogs or industry publications).
  • Build quality content on your own blog/website that other people want to share with their audience (e.g., tutorials or guides). This type of content often gets picked up by large media outlets who will mention it in one form or another (usually via an image), thereby giving you some free exposure while also driving traffic back toward your site

How do I build links?

You can get links to your site in a number of ways. The most common way is to link to other websites or blogs, which helps convince search engines that your website is worth linking to. Getting links will help you rank higher in SERPs and make the website more visible for both humans and search engines alike.

Here are some tips on how you can build links:

  • Use anchor text that’s relevant and appropriate for each page it’s on (you’ll need at least 100 unique words per page)
  • Build links from high-quality sites, not low-quality ones
  • Don’t buy links or use automated link building tools

You can get paid backlinks.

Paid links are easily detected by search engines, so you’ll want to be careful how you use them. In general, paid links should be used for longer articles that have been in your site for a while and currently have good rankings. Also, make sure that you only use one paid link on each page (if at all).

If done correctly, paid links can help improve your rankings on a specific keyword or set of keywords. For example: if you sell printers and want people searching for “printer ink cartridges” to find your site when they do their research online, then buying links from sites related specifically with printer ink will help ensure that happens more often than not!

You can create content that attracts links.

The second benefit of link building is that it can help you create content that attracts links.

Making quality content is the key to creating more links for your website, which in turn leads to higher rankings in search engines like Google and Bing.

To attract links, you need to make sure that:

  • Your content is unique and valuable (not copied from another site)
  • The topic of your content is relevant to the audience
  • Your articles are easy for other webmasters or bloggers to share on their social media platforms or blogs
  • The title of your article includes keywords related to its topic

You can use social media to attract links.

Social media is a great way to get your content in front of potential links, because it allows you to engage with people who are interested in the same topics as you. If someone shares your content on their own social media account, that’s an opportunity for them (or their followers) to link back to your website.

One way to use social media for link building is by sharing other people’s content with relevant hashtags. A hashtag or “#” symbol followed by words or letters creates a searchable keyword tag which people can use when posting about the same topic on their own accounts, thus making it easier for others looking for information on that topic to find them! Some examples include:

  • #linkbuildingtips – This hashtag could be used if someone wants advice about how best

to build links from other sites so they can increase traffic and rank higher online with less effort required than traditional methods such as SEO changes which take months before seeing any results

Use niche directories.

One of the easiest ways to get links is to use niche directories. These pages are simple to discover and submit to, as they’re targeted towards specific topics.

They’re also easy for Google to verify, which makes them more likely to rank well in the search results.

Niche directories can be found in any industry or topic imaginable, so you won’t have trouble finding one that fits your brand!

You can connect with similar organizations, nonprofits, and companies to help you get links.

When you’re trying to get links from other sites, it can be difficult to find the right people in your field. But if you’re trying to make connections and get backlinks, there are a few ways that you can do this.

  • Find sites that are similar to yours.
  • Look for organizations that have similar goals or missions as yours.
  • Find companies that have similar products or services as yours.

Link building is difficult but it’s worth the effort.

Link building is difficult but it’s worth the effort.

The process of getting high-quality links to your site can be an ongoing one. It’s not something that you can do once, or even twice, and expect to see results right away. Instead, link building should be thought of as an ongoing process that takes time—and a lot of hard work!


We hope that this article has helped you to understand the value of link building and the many ways in which you can make it work for your business. It’s important not only for SEO purposes, but also because it will help people find your content more easily if they discover it through other sites on the web. This means that they might become loyal visitors from then on!

"The future of SEO is here – understanding and marketing to specific and defined audiences through search engines."

-Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG-

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