What is a PBN and How Can It Help Your Website?

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You’ve seen them, and you’ve probably used them. But what are PBNs? And how can they help your business? I’m going to break down the basics of PBNs and show you how they work so that you can start using them to get traffic to your site.

What is a PBN?

The acronym PBN stands for Private Blog Network. A PBN, in other words, is a collection of private blogs or websites that you own and control. These sites can help you to improve your search engine rankings and ultimately increase traffic to your site.

In contrast with a traditional blog that you may publish on a host like WordPress, with a PBN there are two key differences. First, it is not publicly accessible—only those who have been given access (usually by the owner) will be able to read them. Second, as mentioned above, they’re owned by one person rather than being hosted on any particular platform (like WordPress).

How do they work?

A PBN is a network of websites that are related to your niche and linked to each other, passing authority from one website to another. This helps your website rank higher in the search engines since Google considers these links as votes for your site.

A PBN consists of a group of sites that are interlinked with each other, so that when you link to one site and someone else links back to your site, it will be counted as an endorsement for both sites.

How can a PBN help my website?

A PBN can help your website in many ways. Here are just some of the ways that a PBN can help your website:

  • Increase in rankings: A PBN will help you rank higher on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. This means that more people will find your site when they search for specific things related to what you offer.
  • Increase in traffic: The more people who find your website through organic searches and visit it, the better chance you have of getting high quality leads or making sales (depending on what kind of business you’re running).
  • Increase leads: When someone is searching for something, they may choose to fill out an information form or contact form with their details so that they can be contacted later by someone from a company like yours (this is called lead generation). If you have great content posted on multiple sites around the web but only one link back to one domain where all those pages are located, then it won’t be easy for visitors from those other sites to find all those pages—so this makes it easier for them!

Why should I use a PBN?

With a PBN, you can do the following:

  • Improve your website’s search engine ranking
  • Increase traffic to your website
  • Increase brand awareness and authority
  • Rank for specific keywords (like “keyword”) and long tail keywords (like “keyword phrase”).

What are the different types of PBNs?

There are two main types of PBNs: private and public.

  • Private PBNs are usually more expensive but offer you greater control over the links in your network. You can also choose what sites you want to link out to and from which pages on your site the links will appear. You’ll have additional management tools that allow you to edit or delete any links as well (or even shut down domains altogether).
  • Public PBNs tend to cost less, but they’re not as customizable—you can’t change their domain names, for example. These networks usually contain a variety of different sites beyond just blog posts; they often include social media profiles like Facebook pages and Twitter accounts as well. Some public networks even include ecommerce sites!

What to look for when buying your PBN?

When it comes to buying a PBN, you want to make sure that you are getting the best SEO value for your money. The best way to do this is by purchasing a PBN that has been built on solid foundation, with links going back and forth between domains. This can be achieved by purchasing a package that provides you with at least one link per domain in the PBN network. The other thing that is important when it comes time to purchase your own private blog network is the expertise of those who build it for you. If they know what they are doing, then this will ensure your success in using their services as part of an overall strategy for growing traffic and revenue through search engines such as Google’s SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).


We hope this article has given you a better understanding of what PBNs are and how they can benefit your website. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our company’s services, please contact us today!

"The future of SEO is here – understanding and marketing to specific and defined audiences through search engines."

-Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG-

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