What Is Domain Authority?

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Domain Authority is a score that measures how well a website will rank in search engines. It’s measured using a scale from 0 to 100, where higher scores are better.

What is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority (DA) is a score that indicates how well a website will rank in search engines. The higher the Domain Authority, the more likely it is that your site will be ranked highly in search results.

Domain Authority is calculated by a third-party tool called Moz, who sells SEO software and services as well as performing SEO audits. In order to calculate DA, this tool analyzes certain data about your domain, including links pointing to it (from other sites), and backlinks pointing out of it (to other sites). It then assigns this information an overall score from 1-100; the higher you go, the better off you are likely to be with regard to ranking in Google results pages for specific queries relating to keywords relevant to your content/industry niche

How to Measure Domain Authority

  • Use Moz’s Domain Authority tool: This is the easiest way to get your DA. Simply type in your website URL and you’ll be given a number between 0-100.
  • Use Moz’s Domain Authority Checker tool: You can also use this tool to check your DA, but since it requires you to create an account with Moz, we recommend using the first method above instead.
  • Use Moz’s Free SEO Tools: Moz offers a number of free tools that will help you check things like page authority, link metrics and more! These are incredibly useful for any SEO professional looking for more information about their website(s).
  • Use Moz’s Keyword Explorer tool: This tool analyzes keywords that could be used on a page or URL (and even entire domain). It tells you how many searches there are monthly for each keyword so that when choosing content topics it won’t waste time on ones with little search volume potential — meaning pages won’t get ranked by accident just because they have certain keywords on them!

Why Does Anyone Care About Domain Authority?

Domain Authority is a metric used to measure the power of a website. In general, a high Domain Authority can help your website rank higher in search engines. If you have a very low Domain Authority, it’s not going to be easy or even possible for people to find your site in search results.

Because Domain Authority is calculated by Moz (not Google), it uses Moz’s own ranking algorithm rather than Google’s. Therefore, this score isn’t actually tied directly to actual search engine rankings; rather, it measures how well other websites perceive your website as being authoritative and credible (i.e., more likely to rank highly).

How to Improve Your Domain Authority Score

There are several ways that you can improve your domain authority score.

  • Improve Your Website’s Relevancy: Relevant content is the key to keeping users interested in your website and improving its usability. If you have a blog, make sure that each post includes keywords related to what your website is about. You should also include images of products or services that are relevant to the content of the post, especially for longer-form articles. This will help Google determine whether or not this is an authoritative site on a given topic.
  • Improve Your Website’s Content: Content quality is another factor that affects how high a website ranks in search results and should be taken into consideration when trying to improve domain authority scores (especially since Google has started including things like length, readability, etc.). The better designed and written your content is, the more likely it will be crawled by search engines like Google as well as shared across social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter which both contribute positively towards increasing traffic flow!
  • Improve Your Website’s Quality Backlinks: Backlinks give other websites permission (via HTML code) – via hyperlink text – someone else has linked somewhere else on their site too; this helps both pages rank higher than others on search engine result pages (SERPs). When someone links back into yours from theirs they’re essentially saying “Hey look guys! There’s something awesome here!” It also helps if those other sites are themselves authoritative enough so when linking back doesn’t mean much because none of us know anything about them anyway lol but seriously though don’t worry too much about this one just yet because we’ll cover some easy steps later on how best practices could potentially benefit from further research into these topics at least once every week if not daily depending on how much time available

What Is a Good Domain Authority Score?

If you’re wondering what a good domain authority score might be, here’s the answer: it depends. The general rule of thumb is that anything between 40 and 70 is a good range to shoot for. However, this isn’t necessarily true for every site or niche. For example, if you’re running a business selling socks online and your site covers only that topic, then having a low domain authority of 30 would be fine because it would show users that your content is trustworthy and relevant to them (even though other websites with higher DA scores may exist). On the other hand, if your site’s topic covers many different topics and niches—say politics—then having an average domain authority score in the 50s might not cut it because these topics may not appeal to everyone who visits your website.

It’s also important to note that there are many different factors involved in calculating how high or low your DA will rank on Google SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), so while we can give general guidelines here on what constitutes as acceptable levels based off our experience as SEO experts over time spent working with clients across various industries, ultimately there can still be some uncertainty when dealing with SEO metrics like these due to changes being made regularly by Google itself!


As you can see, there are many factors that contribute to a domain’s authority. The most important thing to remember is that DA is a useful metric for comparing websites with each other, but it’s not the only factor that matters when determining whether or not someone should trust your website. Make sure you take all of these things into account before making decisions about how much weight they carry in your decision-making process!

"The future of SEO is here – understanding and marketing to specific and defined audiences through search engines."

-Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, RKG-

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